Food Facts is a project to inform the citizens of Japan what the Japanese media are refusing to do.
While the media in many countries are reporting on scientific research into the tragic effects animal agriculture is having on our environment and health, Japanese media remain silent.
Food Fact’s goal is to translate content from worldwide media into Japanese, so Japanese people have the information they deserve: for their health, and the planet’s. Read more…

Animal agriculture is responsible for between 18-51% of all greenhouse gas emissions. More than all the airplanes, trains, buses, cars, ships and bikes combined. It's the number one cause of deforestation, species loss, river pollution, ocean dead zones, and plastic in the oceans.
Corporations have led people to believe that meat is a necessary part of a healthy diet. But, science doesn't support this claim. Processed meats have been named a definite carcinogen by the World Health Organisation. Red meat is likely to also cause cancer. There are strong links between meat and dairy consumption and heart disease, type II diabetes, obesity and many cancers.
Our media partners
We only translate content from the world’s most respected media outlets, from both left and right of the political spectrum.